memories in palestine

For the people of the West Bank, memory is everything. Help us produce a documentary that celebrates the Palestinians' memory as resistance. But who are we? And how will we do this? Please let us explain!

We are Ross Domoney and Antonis Vradis, a film-maker and academic by trade. In April 2024, we travelled to the Tulkarm area of the West Bank, determined to capture the plight of the Palestinian people out of respect, inspiration and support for their struggle.

We inadvertently came across the Israeli army’s largest operation in the West Bank since the Second Intifada, leaving behind 14 dead, scores of injured and a community in ruins.

We quickly realised that memory is central to the Palestinian experience. We have collected hours upon hours of footage capturing the preamble to, and the aftermath of the army’s raid. But we also interviewed the residents at length, focusing on their memories of the 1948 Nakba and homes fled, memories of friends and comrades lost, and memories of past, more peaceful lives.

With your support, the money raised from this campaign will allow us to complete the post-production of this film. The costs we need to cover are for:

  • An editor

  • A sound composer

  • A colour grade and soundmix

Once the editing of this film is completed, we will have a full online release followed by global screenings that will take place alongside talks hosted by academics, journalists and activists.

Any funds received beyond our funding goal will be used to directly and materially support the plight of the wonderful people of Nur Shams.

Please consider supporting this cause. And remember: free Palestine!

The team behind the film:

Ross Domoney (Co-producer/director) is a multi award winning freelance film-maker from the UK. His documentary work focuses on human right issues, character lead narratives, countries in conflict and the affect of political protest on cities, authorities and underground movements.

Antonis Vradis (Co-producer/director) works at the School of Geography and SD, University of St Andrews, Scotland, where he is also a member of the Radical Urban Lab.

Nadia Péridot (Script writer/research) is a British Palestinian activist and writer based in London, UK. An advocate for human rights, Nadia is committed to spreading awareness of the Palestinian cause and the rights of refugees, and working to hold government to account.

Giorgos Triantafillou (Musician/composer) is a Greek composer, who has worked for many years on film productions with Ross and Antonis.


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